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Title Design for The Family Summer Literacy Boost Video Series by Joyful Literacy

Featured This Week:

Shared Reading and Writing

These two videos demonstrate effective strategies that primary teachers use every day in their classrooms---techniques that can be even more successful when parents use them one-on-one with their own children. Our presenters will model step-by-step, how parents can use reading and writing experiences to build confidence as they watch their children become independent readers---parents and kids working side-by-side, taking turns, sharing tools and celebrating good reads and creative writing together.


Video 9: Shared Reading



Video 10: Shared Writing



Handouts for Videos 9 & 10: Shared Reading & Shared Writing

When you purchase our video series, you also receive a package of .pdf handouts that include instructions, games, and activities for each topic in the series.

Click to View Handout .pdf

Endless fun at home!

Get access to ten 20-minute videos and handout packages with games, activities, and instructions for playful practice activities with important Foundational Skills all summer long.

Each week this summer there will be a new literacy topic and supporting games and activities.

If you are interested in purchasing the whole package of 10 videos and five sets of activities we can help you with this. You can order a license for the complete set any time up to August 31st, 2021 for $300.00 (+GST). Click the yellow button below to request your video series license.
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An Easy, One-time License Purchase

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Delivered Within 24 Hours of Payment

Questions about our video series? We're happy to help.