Professional Development Online with Zoom
Boosting Literacy K–5

We will work with you to create a blended Professional Development experience that is customized to your specific needs at the school and/or district level – either a one-time only offering or an annual, or multi-year offering.
Over 85% Literacy Success in the Primary Grades for All Children
Our Joyful Literacy Team members have been implementing the Joyful Literacy Strategies for the past seven years - combining Play and Foundational Skills with explicit instructional strategies - embedded in playful and highly motivational activities - that have resulted in increases in student achievement resulting in 80% to 90% success rates. All of our strategies are research based and proven in BC schools and school districts.
A Custom-designed Zoom Workshop for Your School or District
We are proud to be able to offer custom-designed literacy workshops for your school or district as our time permits.
We suggest you book early if you are considering a custom workshop as each of our team members have multiple other responsibilities and speaking commitments. We need to give them as much notice as possible.
We will mix and match team members based on your expressed interest related to topic and grade level and will provide you with a projected cost well in advance. Using Zoom means borders and travel costs are no longer barriers to communication and this actually results in lower overhead costs.
We look forward to working with you in this new Zoom era.

Introducing our Joyful Literacy Teacher Team:

Dr. Janet Mort
Joyful Literacy
Order of British Columbia 2020
Darci Dheensaw
Teacher & Administrator K–1

Tribal School – Wsanec SB
Christi Munch
Teacher & Administrator
SD #59 Peace River South
Chelsea Mytko
SD # 75 Mission
Nathan Reist
SD # 75 Mission
Dianne Bassendowski
Teacher & Administrator
SD #59 Peace River South
Introducing our Joyful Literacy International Author Team:
© Joyful Literacy 2021 – All Rights Reserved